Great Falls Rock Island State Park TN

by Sharon Hiatt
(Chatham, IL, USA)

Great Falls Rock Island State Park TN

Great Falls Rock Island State Park TN

The best part of this waterfall is being able to go behind the falls. It is amazing to stand behind the water seeing the power of the falls. The campground is also a nice place to camp. It is smaller and less crowded than nearby Fall Creek Falls.

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by: Anonymous

If I am not mistaken, the picture shown with the caption of Great Falls is actually TWIN FALLS. Twin Falls is located within the same vicinity as Great Falls, in Rock Island State Park, but you cannot go behind it. Twin Falls is not a "true" waterfall, but manmade due to the damming of the rivers in that area. The water is actually coming THROUGH the walls, not over it
as in the case with Great Falls.

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