Anderson Falls

by Kirk Taylor
(Carmel, Indiana, USA)

Anderson Falls - Indiana

Anderson Falls - Indiana

Anderson Falls is a nice waterfall for Indiana. It is especially nice in the fall. However, the flow can be low and that can mean that the falls is minimal. From SR 46 turn south on CR 925 E. This quickly curves east and turns into CR 200 N. Take this for a couple of miles and turn north on CR 1140 E. Take this less than a half a mile. The Falls is just off the road and has parking across the road. Very easy access.

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Anderson Falls in Indiana
by: Michael E. Ruby

Anderson Falls is a nice little water fall that is totally trashed at times because the people who go to look at it can't pickup after themselves.
I happen to have pictures of Anderson Falls over several
I hope people who go to Anderson Falls remember put their trash in the barrels that are provided on site.


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