Crystal Cascade
Pinkham Notch, Coos, New Hampshire

Crystal Cascade
(8/4/2006, 37 mm, f/29, 1/2 sec, ISO 400)
This is a great waterfall.
Not only is it photogenic, but it also has impressive volume (the Cutler
River), a great setting in the White Mountain National Forest, and an easy hike
from the parking area.
The first time my wife and I visited in 2005 we missed the waterfall. I
was really bummed when I got back home and found a picture of it.

Fortunately for me we were driving through the area in August of 2006 on our
way back to Boston and I talked my lovely wife into stopping again.
Really, don't miss this one if you're in the area.
There is also another great waterfall nearby -
Glen Ellis Falls - with an
even easier hike of just a few hundred feet and several steps to the base.
Getting There
The trailhead for Crystal Cascade is directly behind the AMC Pinkham Notch
Visitor Center parking lot. Great directions can be found on the
Appalachian Mountain Club website.
Hike Details
The trail for the cascade is well marked and well worn as you will be
following the popular Tuckermans Ravine Trail. The trail is not steep but
is a steady climb. When you come to a wooden bridge across the river, you
are almost there. Follow the trail as it curves right. There is
about 200 feet of steep and rocky trail up to the overlook and you're there.
Total distance to the cascade is 0.3 miles one way.
I read somewhere that the area is very crowded early morning from Tuckermans
Ravine hikers so be aware of that.
Photo Tips
Again, this is a great slow shutter speed waterfall. Without a
you will be disappointed in the results. However, if you
followed my
advice and brought a good tripod you're in for a treat.
Ok, just for the record - Yes, I screwed up on the ISO setting of the picture
above. I should have checked my camera and set it to ISO 100.
Alright, even brilliant people make mistakes.

Working area is somewhat limited due to the rock wall of the overlook.
I had to straddle the wall with the tripod legs for the best angle.
A normal-to-wide angle lens will be required to get the entire length of the
For best results you will
need a polarizer
to reduce glare on the water and foliage.
Also pay close attention to
composition and how much sunlight is hitting the water. There are no problems with bright skies or horizon issues but if the sun is
out or if the clouds are thin you could have problems with overexposure on the
water. Try
bracketing some, about
1/2 to 1 stop underexposure or so. I was there late afternoon and had
pretty good lighting conditions but morning would be best.
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