The Essentials

Sabbaday Falls

G Rating 8.0
WOW Factor 5

Plumb Rating 


Height: 40' total


Distance: 0.6 mi (RT)



GPS and Map Details
Latitude:   43° 59.574' N
Longitude: 71° 23.778' W
Elevation:   ~1,440 ft
Face:         ~290° (WNW)

Maps:  Topozone


Lower part of Sabbaday Falls


Sabbaday Falls near Waterville, New Hampshire


Upper Sabbaday Falls


Another perspective on Upper Sabbaday Falls


Photo Tips


Waterfall Posters



New Hampshire



Sabbaday Falls

Waterville, Grafton, New Hampshire

Visit my personal gallery at Gardner Photography for larger high resolution waterfall photos

Sabbaday Falls

Sabbaday Falls (8/1/2005, 42 mm, f/16, 2 sec, ISO 100)


Just so you know, this is my favorite waterfall in New Hampshire (that I've seen so far), followed closely by Crystal Cascade.


It's not about high flow.


It's not about a spectacular plunge.


It's all about beauty.


This location is gorgeous.  Seriously.


If you're in the area don't miss it.



Getting There

Sabbaday Falls is located off of the Kancamagus Highway 3.5 miles west of where Bear Notch Road joins the highway.  For a little better reference it is roughly 17 miles west of Conway and 11 miles east of the Kancamagus Pass.



Hike Details

The waterfall is 0.3 miles upstream from the parking area.  The path is broad (an old road) and easy to follow.  Elevation gain to the falls is around 100 feet.



Photo Tips

I had some great weather for photographing Sabbaday Falls, especially when one considers that I was there midday.  The sky was overcast and rain threatened the entire time.  In fact it did sprinkle on us as we hiked back to the car - like I said great weather.  To top it off ther air was still, with very little wind at all.


This is an awesome waterfall for slow shutter speeds and this naturally requires a good tripod.


A 28-70 zoom lens should work nicely here.


I would also recommend the use of a polarizer to help slow the shutter speed while at the same time cutting down on reflections.  For example, the main picture above without a polarizer would have had a shutter speed around 0.5 seconds instead of 2 seconds.


Composition is fairly straight forward.  Not to brag, but I think the best compositions can be seen in my photos.  All you have to do is recreate them. 


And it isn't hard.  They were all taken on the trail.


For the upper falls, you might consider a longer lens.  I used the end of my zoom, 55 mm, and could have stood something more in the 70-100 range for a closer picture.


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